Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Hire Right

Investing in good employees begins in the same way that any investment decision is made, research or due diligence. Taking time and effort to know what employee candidates have to offer can reduce or eliminate problems and increase the value of your organization.

There are in addition to all the steps a company uses to advertise open positions and attract skilled candidates, some steps that will help determine the qualities of a candidate and not just the skills or experience of a candidate.

An extra step in screening:
Add a step in the process that candidates need to take to be considered for interview process. It could be taking a skills test online or a testing center, completing an extra step in the online application process, completing a training program, or any step that will demonstrate the desire to work for your company beyond a simple application process.

Consider The whole person:
In the interview process, listen to the candidate. Don't be too concerned about finishing a list of questions. Ask questions that allow for individuals to say how the feel about the job opportunity and their ability to be successful in the job. An example is the woman who explained that she may not have had work experience or some skills, but was a hard worker and would accomplish any thing she was asked to do. This woman was one of the most valuable employees of that organization.

It is more than just skills and experience that make a good or great employee. It is maturity, desire to do their best, positive attitude, and ability to diligently work.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Your Greatest Asset

When you look at your financial statements, the expense of employees will be, by far, the largest category. Employees can be viewed as an expense and as a liability. In reality, employees are an asset. Your Great Asset!

Employees produce and assemble your products and provide important functions. They also are the face and the representatives of your business. They greet and serve customers clients and relate to business associates.

From the newest employee in a entry level position to the executives. Employees can create success. Take time to look at your employees and what they do. Consider what added value they can bring to your business.