Thursday, March 27, 2014

How to Give Top Notch Customer Service

How to Give Top Notch Customer Service
 By: Tucker Juffre

Have you ever found yourself trying to guess the reason behind what makes some businesses so lucrative, while others seem to be falling by the wayside? Following is a method for developing a wonderful item which will have awesome customer service, which will in turn provide it with an edge over its opposition.

Be Helpful: Does that ring any bells? Although this is the apparent part of excellent customer service, it continues to be the most forgotten. Looking at your customer service as a chore will make you want to get rid of the customer with the least helpful solution - not good considering the fact that you should try to offer the most helpful service around. When you offer help to your clients in such a way they will not soon forget how you tried to solve their concerns, and that goes far in creating a business that is on firm footing. Being patient when answering customers questions or supporting them with a particular job will simply relate your commitment to the clients, and the length you will go for that commitment.

Present Selections: Pushing one solution as hard as you can is not the best idea, instead try to let them choose different options. Giving your customers the freedom to work with you at their own pace and offering them multiple options when solving a problem will give them more room to think. Too much resistance towards the service you provide your customers is not something you want to do as they desire pliability, so shouldn't you consider it? If you need some time to come up with more options then be direct and ask your customers for it, they'll be more than happy to give it seeing how you're trying to help them out.

Give More Than You are Asked For: Customers appreciate those industries that give them more than they ask for satisfaction. You will continue to get those customers coming back time after time when you give more than you are asked for. You will realize that small goals will make a big impression on your customers as well as designing an impressive experience for them though admittedly it will require more work for you to go that extra mile. Right now think about this - how can you do extra in your cyber enterprise? How can you do something more for your customers and make them feel out of this world? How can you make your patrons feel like they are unique?

You can accomplish so much when you provide excellent customer service, but the really positive thing is that you acquire trust from your customers that will last well into the future.

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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Talk is Cheap (meaningless)

When it comes to customer service, Talk is meaningless and may even offend customers.

Many businesses have adopted the practice of having their employees popping out of nowhere and welcoming each customer to their business, or each employee saying "Thank You" to every customer. This outward appearance may satisfy a manager that all is well in the customer service arena, but real and sincere service is what a customer really wants to experience.

Customers expect to receive the service that a business should be providing, rather than just words that are spoken as part of a program. Decide what services your business should give and make sure that you are the best at that service. For an airline it may be on-time flights, for a retail store it could be a clean environment where they will always find the product they are seeking. What ever the service your business is expected to provide, courteous treatment at all times is expected by every customer.

Courteous treatment means: Pleasant treatment at every encounter, no waiting or short waiting times for service, knoweldeable help by all employees, and complete help when it is needed. (an employee who walks with the customer to help them find something is much better than one who just points and disappears), clean enviroment, employees that are well groomed with clean clothing, products are in-stock and services are available.

When customers are treated like an honored guests and even friends, they will return and bring others with them.

Friday, March 14, 2014

A Complaint? Time to Shine.

When a customer complains it is your best opportunity to give customer service. It is a an opportunity that should not be wasted.

A story is told of a mother of several children who was asked, "Which of your children do you love the most?" Her answer was, "The one who needs it the most." When a customer complains it provides an opportunity to give your best service, and ensure the loyalty of a customer and everyone that customer may influence.
It is important to listen. Hear what that person is saying and what they are feeling. Their feelings are their reality and should be your reality. Perhaps nothing was done to create the individuals feelings but that does not change the way they feel. Discover what needs to be done to correct the feelings of the customer. That individual will help you know what will work for them to "Make Things Right." The solution may be to replace an item, add an item of value to make up for bad feelings, or to provide an extra service. Being generous in these situations will pay greater dividends found in a customer who becomes loyal for life because of how their complaint was handled.

Make appropriate corrections to your business based on the customer compliant. The customer has given you a gift that will help your business become better. You should be able to identify a real improvement that can be made. Remember that for one customer complain there are several customers who chose to be silent and just not return or may complain to their friends and not you. Making a change will correct a flaw that will prevent future dissatisfied customers.

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Greatest Need

Have you been on the phone with some company's representative and he/she says, "Please hold and I'll be right back." And they never come back on the line, And then you notice that it happens to be 5:00 pm? Or did you wait in a line in a busy store and notice that your waiting for the only open clerk? On one occasion a flight attendant from a large and well known airline made an angry announcement to passengers waiting at the gate to board the flight. In a threatening tone said, "We are not going to tell you again...!"

Though customers may have to shop or use services from non-customer friendly places, most people prefer to go to places they are well served and treated with kindness and respect. One of the most important skills employees can be trained in is customer service, to both external and internal customers. 

At some point, customers, both external and internal, will go to the people and companies that provide them with timely, accurate, and friendly service.