Saturday, March 15, 2014

Talk is Cheap (meaningless)

When it comes to customer service, Talk is meaningless and may even offend customers.

Many businesses have adopted the practice of having their employees popping out of nowhere and welcoming each customer to their business, or each employee saying "Thank You" to every customer. This outward appearance may satisfy a manager that all is well in the customer service arena, but real and sincere service is what a customer really wants to experience.

Customers expect to receive the service that a business should be providing, rather than just words that are spoken as part of a program. Decide what services your business should give and make sure that you are the best at that service. For an airline it may be on-time flights, for a retail store it could be a clean environment where they will always find the product they are seeking. What ever the service your business is expected to provide, courteous treatment at all times is expected by every customer.

Courteous treatment means: Pleasant treatment at every encounter, no waiting or short waiting times for service, knoweldeable help by all employees, and complete help when it is needed. (an employee who walks with the customer to help them find something is much better than one who just points and disappears), clean enviroment, employees that are well groomed with clean clothing, products are in-stock and services are available.

When customers are treated like an honored guests and even friends, they will return and bring others with them.

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