Friday, March 14, 2014

A Complaint? Time to Shine.

When a customer complains it is your best opportunity to give customer service. It is a an opportunity that should not be wasted.

A story is told of a mother of several children who was asked, "Which of your children do you love the most?" Her answer was, "The one who needs it the most." When a customer complains it provides an opportunity to give your best service, and ensure the loyalty of a customer and everyone that customer may influence.
It is important to listen. Hear what that person is saying and what they are feeling. Their feelings are their reality and should be your reality. Perhaps nothing was done to create the individuals feelings but that does not change the way they feel. Discover what needs to be done to correct the feelings of the customer. That individual will help you know what will work for them to "Make Things Right." The solution may be to replace an item, add an item of value to make up for bad feelings, or to provide an extra service. Being generous in these situations will pay greater dividends found in a customer who becomes loyal for life because of how their complaint was handled.

Make appropriate corrections to your business based on the customer compliant. The customer has given you a gift that will help your business become better. You should be able to identify a real improvement that can be made. Remember that for one customer complain there are several customers who chose to be silent and just not return or may complain to their friends and not you. Making a change will correct a flaw that will prevent future dissatisfied customers.

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